So, you are intrigued by the idea of the festival, want to know more, perhaps even get involved in some way.
Maybe your company would benefit from partnering with us, or you have an expertise that lends itself perfectly to conducting a workshop or seminar, maybe you just want to help help out in a hands-on way.
Look over the offerings here and then reach out to us, we would love to meet you.
Need tickets? Available early summer 2012.
Sponsorship is a perfect opportunity for sustainability and wellness oriented businesses to align with and support an exciting and unique event that offers exceptional brand recognition and exposure for your mission.

We have a whole village full of people interested in what you have to offer. If you offer, provide, or instruct about a green-eco-health-wellness educational and/or recreation related product or service....we invite you to come set up shop, be a part of the village.
* See Set Up Shop for more information

We have more creative ways for you to advertise than any other event of this kind. We have something for everyone and every budget.

Bring your expertise, give a talk, share your message

Show how it is done, teach an interested audience, get hands-on.

Maybe you are a mime, or a juggler, have a sweet sounding band or just play a mean guitar, perhaps you love the idea of performing magic in a casual, festival atmosphere.

You are an expert in your field of green or wellness. People want to hear what you have to say. We want to hear from you.

Art Competition
Watch as your vision of what the festival is becomes the official festival art theme for the year. The art selected helps create the mood, the theme, the feeling of the whole festival.

Theme Camps
Dream it, build it, bring it. Your chance to gather your like-minded associates and put together a camp to help you spread your message in a creative and absolutely fun way.
* See Shopkeepers this page for more info

Movement Studio
No, we aren't talking about marching in the street. What we have in mind is you: demonstrating yoga, introducing families to self defense, showing off your dance teams moves, showing the tricks behind hula hooping...and then getting the audience to join in. Have fun thinking up what you could offer.

Yes. This is you. You know you want to help and we would love to have you.

Have a suggestion? A comment? Something we could do better or just differently? Let us know, please.
